As seen in Health IT Outcomes, in emergency situations hospitals can ensure mission-critical IT does not compete with their other mission-critical systems and equipment by storing data in a secure cloud environment.

As seen in Becker's Hospital Review, typical commercial cloud systems are built to hold harmless consumer and business data, not highly private health information. Healthcare organizations need to think twice before using one.

As seen in GCN, OMB recently proposed modifying the metrics federal agencies should use for tracking DCOI. Americans deserve better.

As seen in the Data Center Journal, it's time for the federal government to get out of the data center business and look to both commercial IT and public-private partnerships.

As seen in the Baltimore Sun, there is only one way for Maryland officials to do right by voters: tear up the agreement with its elections contractor and remove their data from ByteGrid.

As seen in GCN, many federal agencies have attempted to run their own data centers, which prove to be poorly managed and slow moving to consolidate data and enhance security.

As seen in the Data Center Journal, although there is a colocation-versus-cloud debate, the relationship between the two is of mutual benefit regarding protecting critically important data.
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